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Read & Run on the Road: Running Tour of Arlington County Chronicles

On this 4.5 mile, easy-paced running tour, join organizer Chelsey Stone to explore Arlington through the eyes of Charlie Clark, a native Arlingtonian who wrote the “Our Man in Arlington” Column for the Falls Church News-Press.

Each week in the early 2010s Clark provided readers a chronicle of his community’s history, politics and culture. This compilation of Clark’s column begins, “Arlington, Virginia, isn’t a community one instantly associates with history.” Yet Clark’s stories reveal the fascinating history that does exist here—and as someone living in Arlington, I’m eager to explore that history on this run with you.

On the route for this Read & Run on the Road event, created and led by me (Chelsey Stone), we’ll stop at several different locations corresponding to the columns (just a page or two each): Feeling the Heritage in Hall’s Hill (56) Cheery Old Cherrydale (81), Arlington’s Other Cemeteries (125), Saving the Planeterium (179) Cherrydale’s Precious Public Library (185), and Keep Arlington Weird (219).

Tickets and information here.

May 13

Read & Run on the Road: Book Club Run of Lost in the City